Timely performance due to design approach!

10 days from the project design to the finished stand
Выставочный стенд «Транснефть». «Нефть, газ. Нефтехимия — 2017»
Выставочный стенд Республики Татарстан. «Экотех – 2017»
10 days from the project design to the finished stand
Оформление форума «Российский венчурный форум 2019» в МВЦ «Казань Экспо»
14 years
on market
Выставочный стенд «Мембраниум». «Экватек – 2016»
Выставочный стенд «Агросила». Саммит «Исламский мир 2017»
Выставочный стенд «ТАТЭНЕРГО». Выставка «Энергетика. Ресурсосбережение 2017»
over 2000 m2
Выставочный стенд «Миаком». Выставка «Дорога 2018»
Выставочный стенд на чемпионат Digital Skills 2017
More than
130 project
every year

We‘re trustworthy

while implementing projects at the most significant events in Russia

We’ve introduced a project-based approach

Every our stand is a project. A specially selected team is in charge of every project.

Due to this you get:

The stand which is of interest to your customers and clients
High speed of the project implementation
Complete daily project implementation supervision
Within assigned budget and without any additional costs
Technical director

Project employer

He is also a project team member to supervise its work progress

View the video about the acceleration rate of work at preparing the exhibition stand after introducing a project-based approach

Ivan Kornilin